The experience of making a Qipao, as a mexican designer, resulted in a connection of two cultures. In one side I had the mexican traditional fabric and the other side the mision of making a Qipao, I had to make a marriage of the two into one concept.
Working on it a link was created between China and Mexico.
I believed that originally, Qipao dress shape came out of the way its fabric was done, as in other cultures.
My first approach with sketches was about Quipao and Chengzong old structures, combined with traditional textiles from Chiapas.
This coincidence through the process surprised me with the thought, that feminine is not only dressing in a “beautiful” way, but has a direct connection with being a mother.
Backstrapp loom POK CHIC
Is a square fabric made of two panels. Indigenous women wove this poc chic first when they get married to carry all their belongings.
Second they use it to carry their clothes to wash them in the river. And third, they use it to carry their babies.